If you do suffer parking problems at present, introducing a CPZ should reduce these.
Dangerous or nuisance parking will be banned using yellow lines which the Council can enforce.
Less parking in an area should also lessen the amount of traffic using your road.
Permit cost or Pay and Display charges apply for parking in a CPZ.
Kerbsides within the CPZ are marked either as a parking bay or a yellow line and signage is required at the entrance to the CPZ and at the parking bay areas.
Pay and Display machines will need to be installed next to the pay and display bays, but LBL will try to minimise any extra street equipment.
A CPZ does not guarantee you a parking space. Many Councils overallocate permits in order to maximise revenue.
Dangerous or nuisance parking will be banned using yellow lines IN ANY CASE by the traffic calming scheme. It does NOT need a CPZ to do it. This is NOT a pro point for a CPZ.
The “area” for the scheme is nowhere defined. In previous consultations the Council has refused to deal with small problem areas such as parts of roads since only a wide area scheme (e.g. the whole of Telegraph Hill) would make their plans profitable.
Once the scheme is in, the Council can charge what it likes. It will not give a commitment to inflation-only increases and recent increases have been above the rate of inflation.
Visitors and tradesmen can find it extremely difficult to park and may have to park long distances away from your house or flat.
Parking schemes can become very confrontational with residents’ needs conflicting with the Council’s needs to enforce and maintain parking income
There is no scheme for residents who hire cars as and when then need them - they pay visitor rates.
CPZs encourage house owners to convert their gardens into hard standing for cars. They ruin and destroy Conservation Areas.